How to Use: Fitness Bands

Lateral Raise

Lateral raises improves the strength in your upper body as well as helping you achieve defied shoulders and upper arms. Lateral raises will help increase your shoulder mobility, range of motion, strength and stability. This help you become better at activities like lifts and presses.

  1. Stand with knees slightly bent, feet slightly apart, and both feet firmly on the floor with the resistance band underneath the middle of both feet, hands grasping the band by the ends, and arms at the sides.

  2. Lateral raises - Raise arms outward to the sides until parallel to the floor. Return slowly to start. That’s one rep.

  3. Forward raises - Lift both arms outwards in front of you, no higher that shoulder height and slowly lower.

Later Walk

Lateral walks primarily target and strengthen the hip abductor muscle group. The exercise strengthens and tones these muscles that line the hips and glutes.

  1. Tie the fitness band around your legs with your legs closed. Then open the legs to hip width apart and toes pointed outwards. This will target your inner thighs. Slowly sink seat into a half-squat position.

  2. Lift you right foot and take one step to the right, followed by the left foot.

  3. Then, reverse the movement to return to starting position. That’s one rep.

Speed Repeaters

  1. With the band around the ankles, start standing with feet slightly wider than hip-width, torso slightly hinged forward and your back straight. Try not to curve your back as this will put pressure on your lower back and may cause injury.

  2. Lift one foot upwards and then lower while keeping tension on the band. Do 10 reps on one leg then change legs.

Side Plank High Pull

Key benefits of adding the side plank is that it strengthens three muscle groups at once. To keep you stabilized in a side plank position, the muscles in your shoulders, hips, and sides of your core all have to fire and work together.

  1. Start in a side plank with the band under your left hand on the floor, and the other end in your right hand.

  2. Stay in plank position as you pull the band up with your right hand, leading with the elbow.

  3. Return to start. That’s one rep.

Complete 30 to 45 seconds of reps on one side then switch to the other before heading to your next move.

Jack with Overhead Press

The jack press is a useful exercise that helps improve cardio, burn calories, enhance coordination and balance and maintain physical fitness.

1. Start standing with feet together, hands at chest, and band around thumbs.

Jump feet out as you pull arms down, keep tension in the band the entire time. That’s one rep.