Plastic Free Swaps - Our Top 5

Today you may see plastic popping up everywhere in your life. Well, we are here to help. These 5 easy swaps will start your journey to a plastic free and zero waste life. Here at fair squared we have become hooked on swapping out the plastic for something that will last us longer and save us money!


Without further ado, here are my top 5 swaps for a plastic free beginning!

1.       Shopping Bags

Around 406 million plastic bags were bought in 2023 in the UK. That’s a lot of plastic! Due to the 10p charge that is a small number compared to recent years.

You might wonder where theses bags go? A small percent of people will reuse these bags a few times for future shops, but mostly they just get thrown in the bin!

There is an easy fix to help cut out plastic bags in our lives; also, a very personal and fun ways to put a bit of personality in your shop. You may be wondering what I’m taking about…

TOTE BAGS! Now I may be a bit bias as I am a lover of tote bags but here me out. You’ll need 2 or 3 tote bags for a big family shop which will last you a LIFETIME! But they don’t just have to be used for shopping; yes, I take mine everywhere. They are cute and can show your personality unlike the ugly plastic bags you get from supermarkets. Have a look online and make the change!

2.       Gardening

 As the spring and summer approaches gardening is on around 40% of Britian’s minds. It’s definitely on mine! The problem is, there is a lot of plastic which can be involved in gardening; the plant pots, seed trays, watering can. But don’t worry as we have you covered!

Fair Zones Seed Trays and Root Trainers are long-lasting and made from fairly traded FSC® certified natural rubber. This added flexibility means that young plants can easily be removed for planting. You will have this for a lifetime and your plants will thank you for it!



 3.       Make Up

Now make up has been an evolving industry the last couple of years.  Plastic Free and cruelty free is getting the recognition that it should. FINALLY!! All you must do is search into a few brands such as Zao and benecos.

Benecos Beauty ID is a great way to start your zero waste make up journey! Complete customisable and an abundance of choice! I’m defiantly sold.


4.       Toothbrush

 Plastic toothbrushes will be there to haunt everyone’s future (Apparently, they are always in existence).  Why not swap to a bamboo one once you’ve finished with your current plastic one.  Its an easy swap!

 There are a ton of bamboo that have popped up; you can even get them from some big stores now!! But my Favourite is Ben and Annas. Don’t want to mess up yours and your partners? No problem just get the anna toothbrush!


 5.       Water Bottle

You’ve got the tote bag! All you need now is a water bottle to go in it. Hydration is key to keep your body happy and healthy; meaning carrying a no plastic water bottle around with you is good for you and the environment. It may feel a bit weird carrying a water bottle everywhere, but it means you don’t run into trouble when your out and about (and end up buying a single use plastic bottle). Fancy hopping on the trend of a Stanley cup or just going down your local shop and buying a metal one! What ever budget and accessibility you have, you’ll be able to find the one for you!


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