Know Your Love Languages

Created by Dr. Gray Champman Love Languages are important. Knowing what Love Language you or your partner has may help strengthen and build a stronger bond in your relationship. Champman belives these can build long lasting, loving marriages and relationships!

Quality Time

To you nothing means more than them giving you their undidved attention. You like to go on little walks or even sit together on the sofa watching a movie. Its the time together tht you cherise. Faliure to listen or long periods of time without eachother can really effect you.

Acts of Service

Anything your parnter does to relieve you of workload is a sign of love to you. This may be hoovering the house without you asking or even tiding your plate once finished eating. It’s the small things that make you feel loved. Laziness and broken promises can make you feel unimportant and sad.

Recieving Gifts

When this is your love language, a thoughtful gift can really brighten your day. You are not necessarily materialistic - it can be small things like, recieving a small snack after a hard days work that will make you feel loved. In contrast, a generic gift or last minute decision can make you have the opposite effect.

Physical Touch

Anything from holding hands, kissing to touching shoulders on the sofa thats your preferred way to show love. If this is neglated it can really drive a wedge between you can your partner!

Words of Affirmation

When this is your love language, words make you feel good and build you up. You thrive on words of encouragement, compliments and praise. Harsh words or tone will bother you for a long time and potenially ruin your day.


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